Recital Participation
Recitals are important learning opportunities for students. Students can develop poise and confidence performing in public and can learn by observing other students perform. Most students are expected to perform at least twice per school year. Students must have pieces performance-ready and memorized at least two weeks before the recital. Ensemble pieces do not need to be memorized.
Student and Audience Conduct During the Recital
Use of electronic devices and flash photography are not permitted by audience members during the performance. Ms. Kelly reserves the right to remove anyone in violation of these policies. Students must dress well for recitals. Do not wear shorts, t-shirts, tennis shoes, flip-flops, sweatpants, or jeans. Please wear long-sleeved, collared shirts in neutral colors, dark dress pants, knee-length or below skirts/dresses, and closed-toed dress shoes. Listening is part of the experience. Students should not talk, whisper, use cell phones, or rustle papers during performances. As a courtesy to all the performers, students and guests must stay for the entire program. Do not sign up for a recital unless you are available for the entire program. If a student/audience member must enter or leave the hall during a recital, they must do so during applause.
Accompaniment and Rehearsals
KSS provides one rehearsal per performance with an accompanist. Any additional rehearsals are paid directly to the accompanist by the student at the rate determined by the accompanist. It is the responsibility of the student and their family to ensure that a rehearsal is scheduled with an accompanist. Students must bring accompaniment parts to the rehearsal and the performance or confirm that the accompaniment parts are already available.
Recitals are important learning opportunities for students. Students can develop poise and confidence performing in public and can learn by observing other students perform. Most students are expected to perform at least twice per school year. Students must have pieces performance-ready and memorized at least two weeks before the recital. Ensemble pieces do not need to be memorized.
Student and Audience Conduct During the Recital
Use of electronic devices and flash photography are not permitted by audience members during the performance. Ms. Kelly reserves the right to remove anyone in violation of these policies. Students must dress well for recitals. Do not wear shorts, t-shirts, tennis shoes, flip-flops, sweatpants, or jeans. Please wear long-sleeved, collared shirts in neutral colors, dark dress pants, knee-length or below skirts/dresses, and closed-toed dress shoes. Listening is part of the experience. Students should not talk, whisper, use cell phones, or rustle papers during performances. As a courtesy to all the performers, students and guests must stay for the entire program. Do not sign up for a recital unless you are available for the entire program. If a student/audience member must enter or leave the hall during a recital, they must do so during applause.
Accompaniment and Rehearsals
KSS provides one rehearsal per performance with an accompanist. Any additional rehearsals are paid directly to the accompanist by the student at the rate determined by the accompanist. It is the responsibility of the student and their family to ensure that a rehearsal is scheduled with an accompanist. Students must bring accompaniment parts to the rehearsal and the performance or confirm that the accompaniment parts are already available.